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I am suffering from acid reflux, taking Gastrimute since 1 year (engoing)but lately i am suffering from my stomach even in the morning. what's the danger ? i am a married woman planning to get pregnan
Apr 22, 2013

Dr. Judy Matta Pediatrics
I don't have a detailed history from you but if you have daily stomach pain (that is burning sensation or discomfort in your upper abdomen or lower chest), i suggest you check with a gastroenterologist where a detailed history (location of pain, radiation of the pain, associated symptoms, timing of the pain, alleviating or aggravating factors) and physical exam can be done to reach a diagnosis. According to the history and physical exam, the doctor can go on to order some test or an upper endoscopy (gastroscopy).
Some causes of stomach pain include: gastritis ( inflammation of the inner wall or lining of the stomach), Helicobacter Pylori infection or Ulcer.