Dr. Rachad Zayni
Orthopedic Surgery
Sans douleur,j'ai les coudes qui craques a chaque extension .pouvez vous me dire ce que c'est, si je dois consulter et quoi?
Dr. Rachad Zayni,
Orthopedic Surgery
- L'absence de douleur est rassurante. Évitez de les craquer volontairement et ne vous inquiétez pas.
Hello, can you refer me to a sports doctor in Lebanon with lots of expertize in sports related injuries?
Dr. Rachad Zayni,
Orthopedic Surgery
- Where are you living in Lebanon ?
My back hurts me so much I play football, but I do not remember that I am infected on that place I took some painkillers, but did not suffice as also it affects on walking (pain down my back)
Dr. Rachad Zayni,
Orthopedic Surgery
- First of all, a lumbosacral X-ray should be asked by a specialist. According to its results, an MRI may be needed. This pain may be related to a simple muscle spasm or it can be due to discal disease.
My child Elie 14 years old is walking with no straight shoulder like an old man!!!!! What should I do,can he wear a corset or he should see a doctor?????
Dr. Rachad Zayni,
Orthopedic Surgery
- Begin by consulting the pediatrician to check up clinically if your child has a dorso-lumbar scoliosis or an isolated kyphosis of the dorsal spine. In term of this physical examination, decision is ma... Read More
I'm a 22 year old male having pain in all my joints ( neck, elbows, knees, shoulders, wrists, uper back) . This pain is depriving me from good sleep and Causing stress! Please give me some solutions?
Dr. Rachad Zayni,
Orthopedic Surgery
- You are suffering from a polyarthalgia, i mean pain in several articulations of the body. It can be a simple reaction to a flu or sometimes, these symptoms may be the manifestations of a rheumatic dis... Read More
I feel my knees are weak. Is there anything I can do to strengthen them? Any specific exercises or diet?
Dr. Rachad Zayni,
Orthopedic Surgery
- It depends how old are you. Anyway, some exercises are usefull to strengthen the knees as bicycles and squat etc.
If you can, it is advisable to follow a physiotheray protocol with a specialist.
Thi... Read More
I have theater sign in my knees, i have no strength left in my legs and ive tried all exercises and physio. I ve visited more than 3 renowned doctors with no solution, I m physically fit. thk u
Dr. Rachad Zayni,
Orthopedic Surgery
- Are you doing the right protocols of physiotherapy ??
Anyway, a MRI should be done to rule out an objective lesion inside your knee and that may necessitate surgery.
I had a micro-fracture of my knee in August; it has since healed and I was prescribed physio as my knee would "block" sometimes. I didn't go, but I'm better now. Should I still do it now, or no need?
Dr. Rachad Zayni,
Orthopedic Surgery
- It depends if you still have a quadriceps amyotrophy developped after your initial knee lesion (i mean a weekness in the muscle of your tigh). In this case, a few physiotherapy sessions are advisable ... Read More
I have been feeling mild to almost severe back pain for a couple of days and everytime i sleep on the side my back hurts. Should I see a doctor? And if yes which doctor? (I'm 24)
Dr. Rachad Zayni,
Orthopedic Surgery
- Maybe you are suffering of an episod of lumbago, i mean an acute back pain. This can be caused by a heavy objects carrying or a bad movement of the spine. Usually, the pain must decrease in few days (... Read More
I had a severe backache, the doctor gave an antibiotic which relieved me from the pain but stroke my leg like electricity shots specially at night when i rest, what should i do?
Dr. Rachad Zayni,
Orthopedic Surgery
- It seems you are suffering of sciatalgia, i mean pain il the lower limb caused by a compression of the nerve at the level of lower back (disc hernia ...). Consult your doctor for an adequat treatment ... Read More
About Dr. Rachad Zayni
Graduated as an MD from Saint Joseph University
Based in
Tripoli, Lebanon