Dr. Aziz Denian
Physical Medicine/rehabilitation
Acne in my head (in my hair) & i think it's making my hair fall. I used shampoo for hair fall and oily scalp & the acne is still there. is there a kind of shampoo to use? what's happening to my head?
Dr. Aziz Denian,
Physical Medicine/rehabilitation
- We do Botox & K-Laser Acne Block. Your case might be benefited from these procedures specially block by Botox, this could enhance more scalp relaxation and better circulatory perfusion therefore ... Read More
A doctor told me that a degenerative disk disease does not need surgery.. what's the solution for the degenerative disk disease??
Dr. Aziz Denian,
Physical Medicine/rehabilitation
- Since Six months we pioneered adding the most advanced "K-Laser - USA" therapeutic and regenerative therapy sessions to treat the pain caused by many "Skeletal-Arthritic-Musculature-Neu... Read More
While doing pushups I experienced an elbow pain(both elbows). The pain lasted for hours until i took 2 tablets of paracetamol. I still feel pain whenever i put pressure on my elbows. What's happening?
Dr. Aziz Denian,
Physical Medicine/rehabilitation
- Clinical examination will establish a proposed or definite diagnosis, .
My back hurts me so much I play football, but I do not remember that I am infected on that place I took some painkillers, but did not suffice as also it affects on walking (pain down my back)
Dr. Aziz Denian,
Physical Medicine/rehabilitation
- Good day,
There is no way to diagnose your back pain pathology without a proper clinical examinations and investigation. Best regards.
I am slightly overweight and i dont exercise. I woke up today with swollen ankles because i walked a lot for two straight days. What can i do to relieve the swelling?
Dr. Aziz Denian,
Physical Medicine/rehabilitation
- Good day,
Please inform us about your gender, age, associated any past or present medical conditions or any treatment you are taking.
Over 2 weeks ago, 2 tendons were torn in my pinky due to a minor accident. My whole arm is in a cast. When should I remove it and start therapy?
Dr. Aziz Denian,
Physical Medicine/rehabilitation
- Good day,
Your orthopedic doctor might consider opening window at the cast for K-Laser therapy application (This is commonly performed). Anyway the decision is for your orthopedic surgeon about compl... Read More
About Dr. Aziz Denian
Graduated as an MD from Yerevan Medical School
Based in
Amman, Jordan