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I used cutancyl and it caused allergie to my facell. I can't use know skin products on my skin.What to do know to eliminate this allergie
Dr. Maya Halabi-Tawil, Dermatology - You most probably experienced an irritation dermatitis/redness, burning,scaling due to improper use of cutacnyl: too Much and too often very quickly. It could Also be eczema to cutacnyl but it is rare... Read More
My skin is irritated on my sexual parts it go and back is it because of the hot summer and humidity or something else i should be worry ?
Dr. Maya Halabi-Tawil, Dermatology - It could be one of several things, irritation, eczema to some products you use or another dermatitis, and even fungus That waxes and wanes, better to get it checked
Yes, i made biopsy one month ago, the results was 100% scabies, that's why i can't afford another one to make sure it's gone, still itching in new areas in my body, i tried everything possible
2 Answers
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi, Dermatology - There is some resistance of the scabies we are seeing in Lebanon lately. I would advise you to continue the sulfur for a longer duration since it frequently would need more than a 5 days application. ... Read More
Itching when my body gets hot, like when I workout or when I get nervous....Any solution ?
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi, Dermatology - Exposure to high temperature and to hot water can cause a dryness and irritation of the skin which can induce itching. Concerning itching when you get nervous this is a psychologic presentation of you... Read More
Hi, I've been living in a scabies nightmare for almost a year now. I've had it before, but got rid of it easily. Not this time. Tried Permethrin and Ivermectin, not working. Can you help??
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi, Dermatology - If used properly there shouldn't be a resistance to treatment with permethrin + ivermectin. You probably have some other skin problem.
عند تغير مناخ المكان من بارد الى حار أو العكس يظهر على بشرتي نوع من التهيج. ماذا استطيع أن أفعل لتجنب ذلك؟
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi, Dermatology - هل يكون تهيج البشرة على شكل جفاف؟ اذا كان كذلك فيجب استخدام مرطب للبشرة يوميا. أما اذا كان التهيج مائل الى اللون الأحمر فيجب ان يتم فحصه من قبل طبيب للتأكد من عدم وجود أكزيما، التي قد تتهيج عند تغيير ... Read More