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33 years
Dear Dr. Salim Saab and Dr Ivana Dabaj the pain is in my head upper my neck and from the sides, i was treated in lebanon by 2 neurologists one said its a migraines, the 2nd said its stress
Jul 15, 2013

Dr. Salim Saab Otolaryngology (ENT)
Your head pain is most probably neither migraine nor stress, it could be an occipital neuralgia as first diagnosis, a cervical x-ray should be done in order to rule cervical disc.
Dr. Ivana Dabaj Pediatric Neurology
migraine causes head ach but not radiating to the neck. your pain could be simply muscular contractions at the level of the neck and this could give headache and even sometimes numbness at the level of the arms and it could be disc herniation at the level of the cervical vertebra and this is best diagnosed by cervical MRI. i suggest thar you start by an antiinflamatory treatment and muscle relaxant prescribed by your physician and if symptoms persist do an MRI. sorry for the delay in my answer. Regards