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27 years
My daughter is 5 eating and drinking a lot what r the symptoms of diabetes in toddler
Jun 14, 2015

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
I do not know why you are suspecting diabetes in your child as a likely explanation of her behavior, because this is not the first entity we think of. It could be just a behavioral issue that needs to be regulated to avoid unhealthy weight. Unless there is a positive family history of early onset diabetes in a close family member.
Indeed, polydypsia (driving excessive amounts of water), polyuria (passing large volumes of urine per day), polyphagia (eating a lot), generalized body weakness/lassitude, and unexplained weight loss, are the constellation of signs and symptoms that would make us suspect diabetes, more specifically, type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). These signs and symptoms result from elevated blood sugar level.
T1DM is more common in children than in adults; it results from gradual destruction of the insulin - producing cells in the pancreas (known as the beta cells).
If you have a strong reason to suspect that your daughter may have diabetes, have her checked by her pediatrician for proper assessment and management.