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44 years
I want to know if it makes all the hidden pimples under the skin comes out? ? Or they might be heeld before they come out?
Aug 17, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
yes ,in the mechanism of action of the roaccutane ,there will be a breakouts of the pimples found beside the pimples that are inprogress and after a period of time all this will be clear .Accutane patients tend to see an improvement within 2 months of starting therapy. Breakouts may still occur, but pimples are less deep and go away faster. Sometimes, patients continue to get occasional new pimples after 4 or 5 months of therapy. Rest assured, your skin may continue to improve for several months after completing the medication. For patients with substantial breakouts, I would consider an extended course of
So ,It is not unusual to continue to get breakouts while you are on Accutane. Remember, you will be on this drug for 5-6 months. It continues to work for a month after you stop taking it. 2 1/2 months into it you are not seeing its full effect. In my experience, some patients respond quickly and others don't respond until the last months of therapy. Be patient