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33 years
My period ended 10 days and since I've had vaginal problems: itching, dryness and pain. Is it due to the fact that I switched brands of sanitary pads?
Jun 6, 2015

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
This could be either a local allergic reaction to the new sanitary napkins you've recently started using, in which case you will need to stop using this particular brand of napkins and apply topical antihistamines for a few days to provide local relief, or other may be a case of vaginal candidias, a local fungal infection with Candida (a fungus), which is not uncommon to occur shortly after the menstrual bleeding ceases, probably because of local weakening of the immune system during the menstrual period. Vaginal candidias is characterized by intense itchiness in the vaginal area to the extent of inducing bleeding, in association with thick whitish cotton-like secretions that usually do not have a noxious odor. A culture of these secretions can identify the fungus. Treatment is with oral anti fungal tablets and local antifungal cream.

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