I am very shy specially around females. I have been hearing hypnosis for 1 week but I can't enter the trance stat. I am always awake. Does hypnosis work for everyone ? And how ? Thanks
Hypnosis, also referred to as hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion, is a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus and concentration. Hypnosis is usually done with the help of a therapist using verbal repetition and mental images. When you're under hypnosis, you usually feel calm and relaxed, and are more open to suggestions.
The first important factor determining your success is your choice of hypnotherapist or hypnotherapy provider. Providing you have made a good choice and your hypnotherapist is well trained(A Certified Hypnotherapist), she will know how to help you to be prepared for your first session by providing you a sufficient amount of information about hypnosis, hypnotherapy, her experience and credentials, as well as what to expect during the session, basically everything that you need to find out to put you at ease.
For most people receiving this kind of information is and important part of the process, because any experienced hypnotherapist can tell you, proper preparation of clients prior to the hypnosis session improves success.To reach your goal you may need 5 sessions or more, It improves success because preparing a client for the session helps to reduce concerns about the hypnosis process and set up an appropriate expectation of what to expect the hypnotic experience to feel like.
>> Any fear of being hypnotized will always reduce the probability of success of any hypnosis session. An individual who has a realistic expectation of what the experience of being hypnotized will be like, will feel more comfortable and satisfied with the experience, during and after the session.
For simplicity, hypnosis is generally broken down into three stages:
#The first stage is known as the superficial trance (or light trance), which is characterized as the lightest stage of hypnosis, where a subject is still consciously aware of his surroundings and environment. This stage is often used to treat patients with surface behaviours that need to be corrected like smoking and addiction. During this stage the subject can accept the suggestions relayed by the hypnotist, but retains the freedom to accept them or not.
#The second stage is considered as the alpha stage, which is a deeper level of trance, and often used to control or treat pain. In this stage a deeper relaxation is achieved, breathing, heart pressure and rate begin to reduce.
#The third and last stage is the deepest among the hypnotic stages, and is frequently used by psychiatrists to access deeper portions of the subconscious mind, to get to the innermost thoughts where memories of past events and forgotten emotions are stored. This makes it possible to treat patients with severe psychological trauma.
>>Hypnotism is a state of mind and of induced mental conditioning, so remember, it is helpful to decide and be determined to place your full confidence into the practice to achieve results. The more confidence you build, the greater the effect can be.The thing happening to you happened to others too.
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