The two major causes of heel pain are plantar fasciitis and achilles tendinitis. The easiest way to figure out which one is causing your pain is by location. Generally speaking, if the pain is under your heel bone it is likely plantar fasciitis. If the pain is found at the back of the heel, in the achilles or toward the base of the achilles (the long cord that extends from your calf to your heel bone), then it is likely achilles tendinitis.
The pain from this condition is caused by inflammation of a thick tissue that begins at the heel and extends to the toes. Repetitive stresses or strain cause microtears in the plantar fascia, which become much larger with continual loading. Due to the location of the tears, everyday activity such as walking and standing interferes with the rest needed for normal healing.
Common symptoms of this condition are sharp pain directly under the heel – especially with the first few steps in the morning or after sitting for a while. Pain usually eases with walking or activity and comes back worse after resting. Pain usually decreases during sleep and will seldom cause waking.
Common causes of plantar fasciitis include activity or training that is new or advanced too much or too quickly; standing for prolonged periods on concrete or hard surfaces; faulty foot mechanics like over-pronation (flat feet); tight calf muscles; increased weight; and improper footwear. It is a condition commonly seen in distance runners, accounting for 10% of all running injuries, but is just as common in the general population. Running conditions also have an effect, such as running hills and over awkward terrain.
Early diagnosis and intervention is important. A course of physical therapy is non-invasive and can be very successful.
Try to follow these tips:
1-Self-management may include using ice, stretching, wearing proper footwear and altering training methods. Ice should be applied prior to and following activity for approximately 20 minutes
2-The calf muscles can be stretched by standing facing a wall. Step your sore foot back and while keeping that heel down, lean forward until a comfortable pull is felt in the back of the lower leg. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat.
3-stretching the great toe back toward oneself from a seated position (with the leg crossed over the knee) can be a very effective self management technique.
4-Generally we also advise that you swap walking and jogging for swimming or bicycling.
5-If you must continue training or have a job/sport that demands prolonged walking or standing (I.e. golfers), it is essential to minimize the stresses on the heel. Start by purchasing a pair of heel cushions.
If the pain persists greater than 3 weeks then check with your doctor or a physiotherapist to give the necessary plan treatment
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