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25 years
I have some hair growing on my penis shaft and I am worried about this. What should I do and is there any treatment?
Aug 22, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
It is completely normal, and has much more to do with your family history of hair growth patterns than anything else
The problem you describe is not a significant physical problem associated with any disorder or disease.
It will not affect your sexual performance nor your sexual attraction to potential partners in the future
The problem is a cosmetic one,this is similar to the problem that women face when they have unwanted facial hair or even coarse body hair

you can pluck the hair or tweeze it or by using scissors cut it (using a razor blade must be careful not to bleed due to this area sensitive skin , and although this would be painful, you could ask for a local anaesthetic cream, which would make the job less tedious.