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20 years
Dr zakia what is the diffrence between stage 1 milk and stage 2 for babies
Feb 23, 2015

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics

In essence, all milk formulas must meet legal
requirements to support adequate growth and nutrition for babies. They will all
contain fat, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals.

Whey dominant formulas
(also known as stage 1)

These kinds of milk formulas are usually given
to newborns. They are based on the whey of cow's milk, which is known to be
less cumbersome on the newborn’s digestive system than the other milks, and
resemble more breast milk. Stage 1 milk is the only kind of formula milk an
infant should be receiving for the first six months.

Casein dominant formulas (also known as stage 2)

These kinds of milk formulas are usually
reserved for ‘hungrier babies'. However, the scientific evidence does not
support the allegations that babies settle better or sleep longer, nor does it
support that there are other benefits to using these formulas in comparison to
other formulas of milk. They are based on the curd of cow's milk and take your
baby longer to digest than first milks. They are not recommended for young
babies (those who are below 6 months of age).

