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Does a stress ball really work to relieve stress? If yes, how?
Jun 18, 2014

Dr. Rania Mousa General Medicine
In a fast-paced world, it is common for everyone to experience stress. Many people develop tense muscles, headaches or irritability. Finding a quick way to release this stress can help improve concentration and mood. Stress balls are a fun, cheap and fast way to relieve tension. Using a stress ball in combination with the breathing patterns help relax your mind and body to improve the quality of your life
By squeezing stress balls . . .
-Your focus is taken away from the actual source of stress. This allows your mind to stabilize and leads to relaxation of both body and mind.
-All that piled up mental energy is "let out" and again you enjoy a relaxation of your mind which generally continues to your body.
-Your blood circulation improves. This gets more nutrients like oxygen and glucose flowing to where they're needed and eliminates the toxins like carbon dioxide and lactate.
-There's a stimulation of the nerves in your hands. These nerves carry the signal to different areas in brain linked with emotions. In addition, stimulation of your brain also results in the production of endorphins which act as natural pain relievers and as sedatives. These are positive messages and signals within your brain.