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Can somebody take antibiotics when he has no fever but phlegm is coming out?
Jan 31, 2013

Dr. Karim Farah Pulmonology
there are several reasons for the sputum or phlegm that one coughs. usually it is due to bronchitis, which could be viral or bacterial. viral bronchitis doesn't require antibiotics, just symptomatic treatment. as for the bacterial bronchitis, it is usually accompanied with fever (which might be hidden by the paracetamol or anti inflammatory that one take). so treatment will depend on the color of the sputum, the duration of the phlegm, presence or absence of fever,the smoking status of the patient which might interfere with normal host ciliary defense of the tracheo and bronchi....ect...
another reason for yellowish to greenish phlegm is pneumonia which definitely requires antibiotics.
so the decision for antibiotics use should be taken by a physician
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Dr. Mirna Waked Pulmonology
yes. In many cases the phlegm is a sign of bacterial superinfection but without fever.
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Dr. Jinan Usta Family Medicine
Much better to check with a physician before taking antibiotics. The doctor will tell you which antibiotics how much of it and for how long. If you take antibiotics on your own you may expose your body to the side effects without the benefit and increase the possibility of having resistant bugs for which regular antibiotics won't work
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