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Why do I get bowl movements everytime I drink green tea? I don't feel the same when I drink black tea or other herbal infusions.
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Green tea is known to have the ability to stimulate bowel movement, especially if you drink it first thing in the morning.
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At night, I can hear the blood flow in my right ear with every beat. It also happens sometimes during the day with palpitations, what can it be?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Tinnitus is sound that you hear in your head without an external source. Some people describe it as a ringing sound, while others as whistling, buzzing, chirping, hissing, humming, roaring, or even sh... Read More
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I always have tension headaches and the only way to feel better is taking Solpadeine during my headache crisis. What should I do to avoid it?
Dr. Jihad Irani, Family Medicine - Solpadeine is not the best choice for your headaches. There are better options but these need to have a check up and face to face discussion.
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A 65 year old woman wakes up with a blood pressure of 16/8 and a headache, but during the day, bp is normal at 12/8 without any headache. Why?
Dr. Jihad Irani, Family Medicine - You could be having high blood pressure problem. Your numbers in the morning are high. Blood pressure is usually higher in the morning. I recommend you get checked and probably get a 24 hrs monitoring... Read More
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Is it true that mosquitoes are attracted to people with blood type O? Is yes, why and what other factors are there?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Mosquitoes do exhibit blood-sucking preferences. According to scientific research, genetics are responsible for approximately 85% of our predilection to mosquito bites. Certain elements belonging to o... Read More
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I feel pain under the chest cage at the left side above the navel like something hard is hurting. What might it be? Is it a large intestine?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - It is difficult to determine the source of the pain you are describing without a proper physical examination and more detailed information about the condition. I recommend that you seek medical attent... Read More
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What's the best solution for the treatment of external hemorrhoids in the early stage? Is the radiation therapy technique available?
Dr. Jihad Irani, Family Medicine - There are several options, natural ones (sitting in warm water) to medications (your doctor can prescribe these for you). Most importantly, make sure you're not constipated.
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How to balance meals between Iftar and Suhoor during Ramadan to avoid gaining weight?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Kindly refer to my answer to your previous question.
How do doctors check for hemorrhoids or anal fissures? Just saw a doctor & he opened my ass so he can see inside. Is there another way?How to cure it?
Dr. Ghassan Nawfal, Surgery - Examining a patient with anal problems should not be painful and it is the only way to do it in order to differentiate between various causes. Examination for such things should be done in the office ... Read More
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