Dr. Ziad Mansour
Thoracic Surgery
What could be the reason of sudden swelling of both feet, knowing that I'm a housewife who works a lot around the house? No pain, only swelling.
Dr. Ziad Mansour,
Thoracic Surgery
- It could be bilateral varicose veins or a sign of heart or kidney or liver failure.
Check with your physician to perform a complete work up.
I sweat a lot specially my face what can i do? Its really embarrasing since im a woman
Dr. Ziad Mansour,
Thoracic Surgery
- A surgery called thoracic sympathectomy can be done. It has its risks and side effects.
I hav the genetic cholest disease with a rate of 700,tho i was livin on severe diet(lost 3Kg,I'm 48 now) and increased my med.wht more can i do ?
Dr. Ziad Mansour,
Thoracic Surgery
- Make sure you have the highest dose of statins, you can also add ezetimibe.
When i was delivering my baby they told me that they did mechanical chest trautism in order to get the baby out which is pressing under my chest in a very tough way ...wana ask about its consequences
Dr. Ziad Mansour,
Thoracic Surgery
- Usually it is simply painful and cause no long term consequences.
If it remains painful or causes shortness of breath, you should consult your physician or a thoracic surgeon.
After i gave birth naturaly, i began to have painfull coughing and even cant cough because it hurts my thoracic cage since they pushed it during delivery is that normal
Dr. Ziad Mansour,
Thoracic Surgery
- You had mechanical chest trautism when helping you to deliver.
You don't have to worry since this is benign functional pain.
If it hurts a lot you can take pain killers such as paracetamol 1000 mg eve... Read More
What are the treatments of legs varice? how to prevent it and what are the symptoms? does any appearing vein in the leg means that it's varice?
Dr. Ziad Mansour,
Thoracic Surgery
- There are many stages of varicose veins.
Each stage has its treatment.
It might start by electrode therapy for small sized veins, mainly for esthetic reasons.
Larger veins might need sclerosing agen... Read More
My daughter is 28, and is frequently having palpitation (pulse rate of 100) even while resting. She was diagnosed with having a small sized heart. Please advise.
Dr. Ziad Mansour,
Thoracic Surgery
- A small sized heart is not a disease.
She might have a hypoplastic left ventricle.
A detailed cardiac ultrasound should be done.
If it is found to be normal, palpitation is caused by an extra-cardiac... Read More
My husband is 45 years old. he did the heart stress test (épreuve d'effort) and the doctor said that his heart is fine. my question is: is this test enough or we need to do arteries endoscopy?
Dr. Ziad Mansour,
Thoracic Surgery
- The test is accurate in 95% of cases.
If he has no signs of chest pain on exertion the test is sufficient.
I only use b blockers when I have OSCE exams to control my stress. I'm a medical studrnt. what do you think
Dr. Ziad Mansour,
Thoracic Surgery
- It is not a good idea.
It might cause low blood pressure and dizziness since you are not used to it.
Quels sont les causes d'hemoptisie? est ce que c'est dangereux? Quand est ce qu'ils sont consideres des signes de la presence du cancer du poumon? merci
Dr. Ziad Mansour,
Thoracic Surgery
- L'hémoptysie est le saignement d'origine pulmonaire, de la trachée, ou des bronches.
Souvent on le découvre en toussant des crachats rouges ou teinté... Read More
About Dr. Ziad Mansour
Graduated as an MD from Saint Joseph University
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon