Dr. Randa Zeidan
Family Medicine
Since i began having sex (intercourse) with my gf, im ejaculating 2 mins after sex.that made me nervous,worried and last time we tried to have sex my penis didnt get hard cz i ws nervous. Help? Im 23
Dr. Randa Zeidan,
Family Medicine
- Such things can happen and not necessarily due to a medical problem at your age. You need to fight the stress to be more relaxed in the relation. Don't put high expectations.If the problem persis... Read More
What are the common consequences of iron deficiency? What to do when iron supplements are causing nausea and irritation?
Dr. Randa Zeidan,
Family Medicine
- Iron deficiency can cause many symptoms including fatigue, sleepiness, hair loss dizziness. Some iron preparations are more tolerated than others. you can also make sure to eat diet high in iron and i... Read More
Is it true that the hormones in the first trimester in pregnancy are "high and unstable" but then afterwards they "relax"? Im havin lots of mood swings, acne, nausea. is it because of them?
Dr. Randa Zeidan,
Family Medicine
- Yes hormones fluctuate during pregnancy especially one hormone called beta HCG which is responsible to sustain pregnancy; it causes these symptoms in addition to nausea
I have a corn on my toe I can't get rid of it. what should i do? I've tried the acid medicine, the skin got softer but the corn is still on my toe and I've also tried band aids
Dr. Randa Zeidan,
Family Medicine
- you should refer to a dermatologist for other treatment options
Hey Doctors, I always wake up at night to use the rest room, though I make sure I use it before I sleep. What could be the reason? It's annoying.
Dr. Randa Zeidan,
Family Medicine
- A substance is secreted by the body during sleep to help get rid of fluids, that's why you might feel the need to void at night. But you need to make sure you don't have other medical proble... Read More
My dad had a High level of potassium (8) and nw its normal. How much time we have to wait to be accurate that he s safe ??
Dr. Randa Zeidan,
Family Medicine
- once the potassium is in the normal range, then there is no risk. But this can occur again; you need to know the reason to avoid : from medication, kidney problems, food ...
I've always had a heart burn and assumed it's psychological. Now i'm 29 and it's happening too often, heart burn & shortness of breath. I'm not stressed, no heart probs in family. Shall i see a doc?
Dr. Randa Zeidan,
Family Medicine
- Of course it is better to see a doctor to try and specify your problem and to get the appropriate treatment
When I get flu,it stays for long.I swallow mucus alot,cough phlegm.I go to a dr,does a bronchitis xray,clean always.Gives antibiotic,doesnt affect,then heavier antib(zythromax)affect a bit.Problem=?
Dr. Randa Zeidan,
Family Medicine
- Sometimes the flu may take time to resolve. In your case you need to know if you have any allergies or maybe chronic inflammation in your sinuses that are making your symptoms worse. Your doctor will ... Read More
About Dr. Randa Zeidan
Graduated as an MD from American University of Beirut
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon