Dr. Malek Tabbara
Fairly large mole above my belly button. Mostly light brown with inside patch of dark brown. Chicken McNugget shaped. Annoying and unnecessary.
Dr. Malek Tabbara,
- Should be removed if:
1- atypical: changing in color, starting to get bigger size>>6mm, irregular border, shades of color
2- or for cosmetic reason
Once removed it will be sent to pathology to make s... Read More
Been suffering from severe abdominal/stomach pain for the past 2 days with bloating & constipation. Should I see a doctor or take any medication?
Dr. Malek Tabbara,
- Even if you think you are constipated if you have a severe abdominal pain i prefer you see a doctor ASAP. Don't wait till it get worse!
But I don't have sweating problems.
Dr. Malek Tabbara,
- I assumed sweating as you mentioned that this problem was since you were a kid.
Other causes of cold feet could be diabetes, atherosclerosis, thyroid disease, peripheral vascular disease and periphera... Read More
When reversing back the mini gastric bypass, does the body return normal without problems?
Dr. Malek Tabbara,
- Reversal of minigastric bypass means undergowing another operation and eventually having to face risk of complications of this operation such as anastomotic leak, intraabdominal abscess, infection...
... Read More
Since I was a kid and I had always cold feet. Of course not summer time. I am 45 now and still have the same . Anything to be done for such cases?
Dr. Malek Tabbara,
- What you are describing consist of a condition called hyperhidrosis. Botox injection in the area causing trouble could help. These injections will need to be repeated periodically depending on your sy... Read More
About Dr. Malek Tabbara
Graduated as an MD from Lebanese University
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon