Dr. Elias Elhage
While meditating, i do deep exhales and inhales. i Always have a LOT of tears in my eyes and (bettewab) A LOT. Why ?
Dr. Elias ElHage,
- if only while mediating only wash with cold water but if always better consult your doctor
Hi Drs. I was going to settle my chalazion surgery after 4 months then i popped it after the hot compress. now the bump is outside and very disgusting and scabby and bloody. is it normal?
Dr. Elias ElHage,
- this means that the chalazion has opened if it persists see your doctor
Examination was conducted on the eyes of the doctor said to me, your eyes water.What do you advise me?
Dr. Elias ElHage,
- there are multiple causes for watery eye better see your doctor
Contact lenses stopped sticking into my eyes and kept falling off. After 6 months without any contacts usage, I tried a new set today but still lenses keep falling off. What is the problem?
Dr. Elias ElHage,
- this problem better to see your doctor
A day ago in the evening started having a puff under my eyes and all that area got very itchy and a bit hot. I have no idea whats going on first time happens. Didn't eat, drink or do anything new.
Dr. Elias ElHage,
- this is allergic problem self limited
Hi..i have stye in my both eyes since 2 years..i remove them by surgery then they return..i wash by baby shampoo ,use topradex & fucithalmic gel,they minimize,disapear, return..what shall i do?thanks
Dr. Elias ElHage,
- better va lidate your situation with your doctor
Hi, What is the solution to the sensitivity of the eyes; that cause swelling of the eyelids ?
Dr. Elias ElHage,
- can be any allergy infection uveal infecction allergic there are multiple causes depending on age associated diseases etc.
I woke up tdy &i felt that my lid is almost the only barrier for my eye to open well,when i open i feel something found there ,i saw that just a small red spot is found there.what is it?
Dr. Elias ElHage,
- best to know location of red spot it clan be from phlictena okr subconjunctival hemorrhage or any local infeccion
I had Lazik surgery 2 years ago and i just found out that i have 1 2 myopia & 1 2 astigmatism each in different eye. What are the risks of having Lazik again? & Is this normal? Is it due to tiredness?
Dr. Elias ElHage,
- better tovisit your doctor he knows what to do
Dear Doctors, i have visited an ophtalmolgue since 2 weeks regarding my eyes were burning and he gave me those 2 medecines (FLUCON collyre , and NAABAK 4,9% ) and my eyes are still teribly burning now
Dr. Elias ElHage,
- better tovisit your doctor to validate your case
About Dr. Elias Elhage
Graduated as an MD from University of Barcelona
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon