Dr. Alain Saab
Obstetrics & Gynecology
The last period was on 09/30/2015 monthly ... How much a week of my pregnancy Now?
Dr. Alain Saab,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- 6 weeks and 4 days
I lost my virginity a few days ago. Ever since, I have had bad cramps and felt sick, is this normal?
Dr. Alain Saab,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- How do you feel sick? Please explain more. Do you have a fever or vaginal discharge? How are the cramps? When is LMP?
Quel est le remede de l'endometriose pour assurer la grossesse?
Dr. Alain Saab,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- L'endometriose est une pathologie frequente qui peut etre legere ou severe et profonde.
Elle peut causer des difficultes à concevoir par inflammation et adherances ce qui altere l'ovulation, bouche le... Read More
Is it normal to have a period lighter than usual after Orgametril?
Dr. Alain Saab,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Yes, of course. It's a medicine that decreases the endometrium thickness with time, so periods become less heavy. But it's not used much anymore. Newer and natural progesterone drugs are better.
Is it safe to engage in sexual intercourse 30 days after delivery?
Dr. Alain Saab,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- It's better to be examined by your doctor to make sure everything returned to normal before you engage in sexual intercourse. Especially to see if the scars you have have any episiotomy or lacerations... Read More
How often should women do an intimate wash on a daily basis? And does this help in preventing vaginal infections?
Dr. Alain Saab,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- intimate wash should be done morning and evening and than properly dry urself. it must be done only on the outside because interior washing will kill the normal flora of the vagina and cause vaginal m... Read More
I get tired pretty fast after jogging for 3 minutes although I'm 183m and 80 kg not overweight at all
Dr. Alain Saab,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- you should see a cardiologist to check your heart normal function and lungs.
I have a pink sperm (mixed with blood), and recently my auns eching while I'm peeing then back to normal after i finish, are they related?
Dr. Alain Saab,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- you should do sperm and urine analysis to check for infection
Does hypertension have any effect on the menstrual cycle?
Dr. Alain Saab,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- No effect untill it become logtine uncontrolled with complications
30 weeks pregnant, been itching since start, diagnosed with "Heavy Growth of Steptococcus Agalactiae (Group B). Reason? Treatment? Effects? Solution?
Dr. Alain Saab,
Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Itching during pregnancy can be due to an allergy or to dermatitis but most importantly we should rule out pregnancy related causes which can be serious like cholestase gravide. You should see a gyne... Read More
About Dr. Alain Saab
Graduated as an MD from Saint Joseph Univeristy
Based in
Beirut, Lebanon