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My 9 month old baby is refusing my milk. I tried giving it with it biscuits, cerelac and I even changed his milk but he still refuses it. What to do?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - With the early introduction of solids to your baby’s diet, his daily formula intake will naturally start to drop gradually, until it reaches around 720 mL per day. Once your baby is eating solids regu... Read More
Simple convulsion applies to my son. Is an EEG required? No medication at this time? How often will it happen? Recurrence won't harm the brain?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - No EEG is required at this stage. The main intervention is prevention: whenever your son develops a febrile illness, you need to closely monitor his temperature and kind of "catch" it before it rises,... Read More
Toddler 5 years, with tummy pain & diarrhea since Oct 11, off and on no one seems to be figuring it out. Losing 2 LBS off and on too. Any advice?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Intestinal infections, including parasitic infestations, must be first ruled out, by doing serial stool cultures, stools for ova and parasites, and anal tape test.Gluten sensitivity (celiac disease) i... Read More
My daughter aged 5 years had blood in the stool. She had diarrhea & stomach pain so we did a stool culture which came back negative. What's the cause?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - If your daughter has had diarrhea for a few days, then the small amount of blood in the context of a negative stool culture can be explained by the presence of an anal fissure. What happens is, with t... Read More
My 3 month old baby hasn't defecated for two days now, is it normal given that I'm breastfeeding?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Infants may go through periods of constipation even while they are being breastfed. This has been linked to constipation in the mother. Zero bowel movements over 48 hours in an infant should prompt an... Read More
Y-a-t'il des inconvenients de tirer le lait au lieu de donner le sein a ma fille de 1 semaine? Qd elle tete, elle nest jamais rassasiee et ne dort pas
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - No, there are no drawbacks to pumping your breast milk and feeding it to your baby in the milk bottle. Of course it has to be emphasized that direct breast feeding enhances the mother-baby emotional b... Read More
Baby 8 months old, started standing up & crawling a month ago. His teeth didn't show yet and he cries a lot at night, keep turning left and right.
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Based upon the developmental milestones that your baby has already achieved, it is likely that he may be teething, and that this irritability is one of the signs of teething. But this cannot be determ... Read More
Baby 8 months, eats 3 times milk 210 ml w/rice or biscuits & 2 times cerelac/cereal. Tried feeding him mashed veggies, didn't work. What to do?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Solid food introduction in infants requires patience and perseverance. You need to keep trying one time after another. Try for three consecutive days, and if your baby insisted on refusing to eat the ... Read More
What vitamins should be given to a baby starting from 1 year old?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - A healthy one year old child who was not prematurely born, who eats a variety of foods and is gaining adequate weight and height, is in no need for vitamin supplements. This is because your baby is re... Read More