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My gums have been bleeding for the past 2 weeks. Tried brushing my teeth with Paradontax and using Betadine Mouthwash but nothing. What do I do?
2 Answers
Dr. Naim Daccache, Dentistry - You have to visit your dentist to have his opinion. It could be a simple gum inflammation and need cleaning.
What causes gingivitis and how is it treated?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - The most common cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene that facilitates the formation of plaques, plaques are invisible, sticky films that are the result of bacterial accumulation on when starches a... Read More
My gums bleed every time I wash my teeth, is it because of my wisdom tooth? I also have oral ulcers at the back.
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Aphthous ulcers can bleed every now and then, but the main reason is gingivitis or gum inflammation. You need to address this as soon as possible, otherwise this may progress to receding gums (the gum... Read More
My lower frontal gum is very sore and sometimes bleeding, I am on decapeptyl, paroxat and ezetralex could this be a side effect of any of the medicines I'm taking?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Among the drugs you're currently administering, only paroxat (main ingredient paroxetine) may interfere with the normal function of platelets (which are structures in the blood stream that resemb... Read More
My gum bleeds sometimes when I brush my teeth and even when I don't brush them. It is sensitive. Is listerine good? What about water and salt?
2 Answers
Dr. Jeff Khoury, Dentistry - Gum bleeding can be the consequence of a simple gum inflammation or of something more serious called periodontitis, which affect affect the bone and the gum around your teeth. Listerine or any other ... Read More
During a dental surgery I had too much bleeding so the surgeon asked me if I have taken aspirin but 6 or 7 years ago a similar thing happened so he advised me to see a hematologist and do blood test!
2 Answers
Dr. Jihad Irani, Family Medicine - If you're having episodes of excessive bleeding, it won't be a bad idea to see your doctor and get some tests done related to your coagulation.
Can the newly grown wisdom teeth cause bleeding in your gum around other teeth?
2 Answers
Dr. Rita Mouawie, Dentistry - growing teeth in general can cause a gingivitis (mild inflammation of the gum) that could cause bleeding from the gum especially during teeth brushing. don't feel alarmed. you need to take care ... Read More
Sometimes while brushing my teeth, my gum bleed. Is that something to be scared of ?
4 Answers
Dr. Kassem El-Houcheimi, Orthopedic Surgery - you might have bleeding tendency,or not cleaning your teeth enough ,or wrong mechanical way used for bruching....