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If during wiping the prostate gland releases blood and causes pain (like a scar) should I be worried?
Dr. Karim Farah, Pulmonology - You don't reach you prostate while wiping. What you are feeling are either anal fissure or hemorrhoid. Don't neglect either of them. Stool softeners help with making your bowel movement more loose an... Read More
Is deep vein thrombosis a deadly disease? Can the blood clot actually travel through the blood to the heart or lungs and cause a stroke?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is a manifestation of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Most cases of DVT resolve spontaneously and without complication. But please do not confuse DVT with superficial varico... Read More
If someone caught HIV few days before blood donation, would the person receiving blood also get HIV since even blood testing at this stage would not reveal any signs of the virus.
2 Answers
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - All blood donors are prescreened for HIV risk factors. Blood donations are required to be tested both for presence of antibodies to HIV and for HIV ribonucleic acid (RNA). RNA testing detects HIV at ... Read More
Is there any test or something approved to know how much mercury we have in the blood/body?
2 Answers
Dr. Ghassan Nawfal, Surgery - Acute mercury poisoning can be detected by measuring mercury levels in the blood. This test is usually done in a specialized laboratory since it is not commonly performed and has its limitations.
I did a blood test yesterday; when taking the sample the nurse told me that my blood color is dark red. Is it a bad sign?
Dr. Salim Saab, Otolaryngology (Ent) - A dark red blood colour can mean a lot of things. It may be a low concentration of oxygen or an increase in co2 or even an abnormal hemoglobine. In practice, if you don't have any complaints, don... Read More
Sometimes blood comes out of my nose when the weather is hot. Could you give me any advice?
Dr. Salim Saab, Otolaryngology (Ent) - Nose bleeding happens when the mucosa of the nose becomes dry so use some kind of antibiotic ointment or simply vaseline.
Why do people have a blood deficiency in factors 8 or 9 but not in other factors?
Dr. Salim Saab, Otolaryngology (Ent) - The coagulation factors have different ways of transmission. Factors 8 and 9 which represent 90 per cent of the cases are transmitted as asex linked recessive inheritance, most of the other factors ar... Read More
Is taking omega 3 on a daily basis healthy or should I stop for a certain period? Is it really beneficial for cholesterol and trygliceride?
Dr. Salim Saab, Otolaryngology (Ent) - Omega 3 increases hdl in the blood which protects blood vessels so you can take it on a daily basis.
An eighty-eight year old woman is suffering from severe anemia. Her hemoglobine count is 9.75. Is there any possibility that she can recover from this illness?
Dr. Salim Saab, Otolaryngology (Ent) - It all depends on the cause of the anemia. If it is a hemorrage, a blood a work up is needed to identify the cause.