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I did an adenoids, sinus and deviation surgery almost a year ago, but I still wake up with a stuffy nose and get nosebleeds often and can't breathe easily, could it be that the surgery didn't go well?
3 Answers
Dr. Mirna Waked, Pulmonology - yes I agree with my colleagues surgeons on the fact that you might have a failure of surgery.having sais that I would also consider to search for any allergic sensitization that woud complicate things... Read More
Is there any relation between adenoids and pneumonia?
Dr. Karim Farah, Pulmonology - If the adenoid hypertrophy is associated with rhinosinusitis, then it might be complicated with pneumonia, especially in the pediatric age group. Otherwise, there is no connection between the two.
What medication can I give my son and for how long? With winter coming, what can I do?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - In my previous response I have mentioned the major classes of drugs used in the medical treatment of adenoid hypertrophy and recurrent otitis media - I cannot however give you a detailed prescription ... Read More
My son suffers from adenoids, the doctor said that he might need surgery but I do not prefer this. Any medication can be used to solve this problem? We used to give him Avamys and nasonex.
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Usually, a trial of intranasal steroids (such as the ones you are using for your child) plus oral anti-histamine (like cetirizine or desloratadine), Plus/minus oral montelukast, is given over a few mo... Read More
Ma bnem gher ma eftah teme w bou3a sbh mnashaf w ta3mto besh3a wbas el3ab foot teme w ba3ed sprint bhes waja3 be Sodor w s3oube be nafas.3emil fahes.l majhoud,eco aleb ma fiyon shi leh?
Dr. Rania Mousa, General Medicine - بما انك تتنفس عن طريق الفم فالمشكلة إما فى الأنف عند مدخل الجهاز التنفسى أو فى أضيق مكان عند مرور الهواء خلال الحنجرة أو عند الشعب الهوائية بالرئة. أما بالنسبة للأنف، فكل التهابات الأنف تقريبا تؤدى إ... Read More