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Do I have an ovarian cyst? I get pain and I get very sick during my period. My period is always late and I don't have insurance to get checked out.
Dr. Zakia Dimassi,
- Ovarian cysts are one of many other things that may cause menstrual cycle irregularities, but to rule out the presence of such cysts, an ultrasound is inevitably necessary - the history of symptoms an... Read More
5&half mnth bebe keep itching his ear and his hair turns so fussy cries alot Dr said lack of vit D. Is it true , is there other reason iam concerned
Dr. Zakia Dimassi,
- To my knowledge, lack of vitamin D does not produce such signs and symptoms. The child needs to be assessed in order to identify the underlying cause of his irritability.
I have PCOS, I started taking flutamide 80 days ago. When do i start losing weight?
Dr. Jihad Irani,
Family Medicine
- To my knowledge, this medication is not meant to help loosing weight.
Do I have an ovarian cyst or am I pregnant?i think I got my period but it was a week late and off.i don't bleed a hole lot and the clots are very tiny
Dr. Jihad Irani,
Family Medicine
- If you're concerned about pregnancy, you can do a pregnancy test from the pharmacy.
I have been on my period since Aug. 8, 2015. I'm on the birth control called the nexpanon. Its light and heavy some days and others day I pee its noth
Dr. Jihad Irani,
Family Medicine
- Did you mean nexplanon implant? (The 3 year thing). This is one of its side effects, that gets better with time. It can be helped by giving you a small dose of estrogen. You can contact your health pr... Read More
A doctor suggested that my 23 mnth old cousin needs growth treatment for 2 yrs, then said it can be done in 2 hours, how is that possible?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi,
- I think you have somewhat misunderstood the statement made by the doctor. Most probably it is the test that is done over 2 hours, not the treatment. It is best to reconsult this physician for further ... Read More
My nephew has a rash don't know what the reason.It was launched in his hip also his ankle and in his lip. Plz Can you help me????
Dr. Zakia Dimassi,
- Rashes in children are numerous and various and cannot be diagnosed without direct examination. Please have your nephew seen by his pediatrician as soon as possible especially if there is swelling of ... Read More
My 16 months old has 39 to 39.8 fever since yesterday starting 2pm until morning, even with panadol & brufen. No runny nose or cough. Appetite decreased today. No fever in morning. What can cause it?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi,
- It is not possible to figure out the cause of the fever in this child without examining him: we need to look at the tonsils for evidence of tonsillitis (redness, pus etc.), the ears to rule out otitis... Read More
M75. Left amagadalia in conrasted mri Brain size nirmal no seisure. Short term memory loss. "Nashafan" On neurorubben. not improving. Any ideas?
Dr. Jihad Irani,
Family Medicine
- Needs to see a doctor to see if need to be treated for dementia with better medications.
What médecine is similar to conceive plus in lebanon ?
Dr. Jihad Irani,
Family Medicine
- Not sure we have same formula in Lebanon.