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How soon can I have sex after varicocele surgery?
Dr. Clement El Khoury, Radiation Oncology - 4 to 6 weeks after surgery
Hello, I have been taking Nexium for the last month and since I started it, I have a ongoing strong throat ache. Once stopped the ache stopped.
Dr. Clement El Khoury, Radiation Oncology - try replacing with another molecule same family such as omeprazole, rabeprazole etc...
I am 17 years old and my height is 5 feet 1 inch. i want to grow more taller. i do stretching exercises regularly and do cycling.
Dr. Clement El Khoury, Radiation Oncology - Once puberty is acquired (12-16 years old) it is unlikely to grow taller.
Why does drinking alcohol (even beer) raise our heart rate?
Dr. Clement El Khoury, Radiation Oncology - Alcohol is stimulant like caffeine it raises the heart rate 
Is uroscan dangerous? (It is done twice this month). Does it harm the body or have bad side effects? Can kidney stone cause bloating?
Dr. Nehme Raad, Urology - Everything in medicine has pros and cons.We must always weigh the risk of doing tests and giving drugs for the patient.If a test is important for your condition, it must be done to probably prevent mo... Read More