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Mais je marche je bas continue,ses la peur detre sur chaise roulante Je ne fume ni alchool ni diabetique Vitamines sont bien, desoler vous deranger
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- all the qualities of pain you described in your different messages are called neuropathic pain that can be treated by a medicine. I cannot prescribe to you online but I can reassure you that these sym... Read More
Jai scoliose et douleur lombaire , est ce que laxonopathie a tell une relation avec les maux de dos et tous ce qui concerne
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- les maladies avec hyperlaxite peuvent donnees des scolioses et par consequence des douleurs du rachis. Alors pour moi et d'apres mon experience il s'agit du meme tableau clinique et tout est relie. po... Read More
Dr dis jai laxonopathie peripherique modere severe. Dans son cahier ecrit polyneuropathi EMG ecrit membre inferrieur. nom precis de cet maladie pls ??
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- it is non specific what is written.. polyneuropathy can be different diseases. I wish I could help with what you described but it is impossible. can you write the EMG report (not the conclusion) maybe... Read More
Just Recognized a tiny external ball near anus, i need to know if it could be a hairball and should we refer to dermatologist or another specialist.
Dr. Mohamad Siblini,
- Anal canal and its surroundings is a general surgeon specialty. It carries different causes , you need to be checked by general surgeon to plan your treatment.
En cas de grossesse non désirée. l'avortement provoqué par medicament est permis au liban?
Dr. Mohamad Siblini,
- Non permis au Liban.
Hello ,what are the supplement vitamine need the women take them with the monaupose age ? thx
Dr. Beatrice Khater,
Family Medicine
- most important is calcium supplements and Vitamin D (if deficient) to preserve your bones
What does having the menstrual period for a complete month mean?
2 Answers
Dr. Beatrice Khater,
Family Medicine
- many reasons can be the cause of that, but you really need to see your doctor.On top of looking for the reason and correct it, bleeding for one month may cause anemia which should then be treated as w... Read More
My husband is 75 years old . He has a silent stone 1.7cm in the upper pile of kidney . Should it be removed? What is the safest method?
Dr. Nehme Raad,
- A stone more than 1 cm in the upper pole of the kidney must be removed.Otherwise, it might get progressively bigger over time.The best less invasive way to treat a small renal stone is usually a fragm... Read More
Hi, yesterday I got drunk.. like really really drunk.. I woke up today with severe hand pain.. why ? Is that normal due to alcohol ?
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- it is most likely because you had nerve compression since you slept with your weight on your hand abnormaly postured.
Est ce que l axonopathie peripherique modere severe sest la meme polyneuropathie et quelle genre estceque serais un jour sur chaise roulante,
Dr. Ivana Dabaj,
Pediatric Neurology
- you mean "hyperlaxite" when you talk about laxonopathie? if so, there are different types of diseases related. It could be a problem with the collagen (involved in the structure of the skin and cartil... Read More