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Hi ! My daughter has noticed on her thigh small red dots , this isnt the first time that it appears and its itchy. What could it be ? Thank you
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Skin rashes are numerous and various in shapes and sizes and underlying causes. Without direct examination of the patient, including looking at the rash, the exact location, color, size and shape, mar... Read More
Is evening primrose oil efficient in reducing PMS symptoms?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - The medical scientific evidence regarding the benefits of primrose oil in reducing the symptoms of PMS is limited and not well established.
Ty dr maatouk, am I at a high risk?
Dr. Ismaël Maatouk, Dermatology - Classic question, impossible answer
I have a butt lump near my anus that is very small but does not hurt or anything it is just there
Dr. Ismaël Maatouk, Dermatology - Better to be checked to rule out a wart lesion (among other diagnoses).
My daughter is 6 years old and every day when we go to sleep she starts crying and she want me not to sleep unless she sleep so what shall i do?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - At the age of 6 years, it is possible to reason with your child.You should try to gently set a limit to the amount of time you spend by her bed before she falls asleep: gradually reduce this amount of... Read More
Is it advisable to use spray deodorants around the groin area and between thighs?
Dr. Beatrice Khater, Family Medicine - Is it needed? Hygiene should be enough to prevent smell
Am 11 weeks pregant,am seeing blood from time to time,should i be worried?
Dr. Beatrice Khater, Family Medicine - You should check with your doctor
I tied a skin tag present on my shoulder for 6 days till now and it is still present but it became black...what should i do?
Dr. Beatrice Khater, Family Medicine - The tying prevents blood from reaching the tissue so this is why it became black. It has to fall at some moment
Why do I have an urge to urinate frequently ? Is that a sign of infection should i be worried? What are the signs of inflammation? It happens sometime
Dr. Beatrice Khater, Family Medicine - Infection could be one reason of frequent urination particularly if you have some burning on urination,Soemtimes it is only because of stress.But it is important that you do a urine analysisi to make ... Read More
I hv a painful throat 2weeks.i went to ORL who diagnosed ntg wrong.said allergy.(i have alergy to jawz.when i eat i do buccal aphte).the pain disappeared for 2days than it come back aftr hving shisha
Dr. Beatrice Khater, Family Medicine - It does not seem as an infection.It could be allergic or reflux from the stomach. More elements are needed to make an adequate diagnosis