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I have big nasal tip(arnabet l monkhar),if i want to have a rhinoplasty,can it be done by laser?with part anas.?and what things i may face after the surgery? And approximitly about the cost?
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- Rhinoplasty is a complex procedures where your plastic surgeon try to achieve balance and harmony in different part of your nose, and with the rest of your face.Sometimes doing a tip surgery alone mig... Read More
I had a tummy tug nearly a year ago. Am still vvstiff all over nd somtimes i get sharpe pain. Also the scar is hardly fading nd is dark brown/black in color. Recently my entire lower part has bloa
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- During tummy tuck we often reaproximate the abdominal muscles that are widened by previous overweight or pregnancy. That is responsible for a feeling of stiffness but it fades away in the first 2 mont... Read More
Is the Facial treatment"PERFECTOR"really effective in removing wrinkles in few sessions&in enhancing the skin quality? Do u recommend instead of botox
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- Anti ageing is a growing field in aesthetic medicine and surgery. Botulinum toxin (one of its brand being Botox) paralysis the muscle responsible for the forehead, between the eyes and around the eyes... Read More
Pain in my R. eye since 3 weeks.i consulted a neurologist and ophthalmologist and the result is normal. what can be the cause, ophthalmic migraine?
Dr. Salem Abu Alghanam,
- it could be, but also you need a full ophthalmic determine
Why my eyelash keep on fluttering ? i went to many doctors they all said i have dry eyes but i am taking my eye drop but didn't feel any better !! should i see an eyelids Specialist ?
3 Answers
Dr. Salem Abu Alghanam,
- please describe more details ,thanks
Hi dr mon enfant ( 5 ans ) a fait 6 fois une dure infection de la gorge cette annee et parfois il a sentis mal au pieds est ce qu'il faut etre opere?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi,
- Recurrent tonsillar infections that occur three or more times per year despite proper treatment with antibiotics is one of the relative (not absolute) indications for removing the tonsils surgically (... Read More
Hi dr i want to ask about nexium if its good medicine or it has side effects for child 5 years
Dr. Zakia Dimassi,
- Nexium (esomeprazole ) is a medication that works on decreasing the amount of stomach acid production. It is considered a safe drug for the use in infants and children, when indicated. The ... Read More
My sister 27 y.o started to use spray alopexy 2% abt 1 month ago she is loosing lots of hair vryday since 2 weeks of use is it normal? Do she stop it?
Dr. Ismaël Maatouk,
- Already answered. Plz dont answer the same question twice. Best
Does the medecine Carolease helps reduce the fat that is already in ur body or only the fat in the meal u are gowing to eat ? i really need to know the truth,thank u
Dr. Zakia Dimassi,
- Calorease is not a medication, as such it has not been subject to rigorous testing before getting released onto the market. It is a dietary supplement that claims to help you lose weight but there is ... Read More
I have bloody diarrhea and taking the necessary antibiotics. Could I infect a 3 days old baby? I dont feed her, i just held her.
Dr. Zakia Dimassi,
- As long as you follow strict hygiene measures by thoroughly washing your hands especially after you use the bathroom, and each time before you want to handle the baby's bottle and other items,then it ... Read More