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Hi kindly advise me how to know that my son did somethings bad to me thanks
Dr. Zakia Dimassi,
- I did not understand your question. Please try to be more clear and specific so that I can try to help you.
Hi dr, I just WAna know the odds of having hiv from men with unknown status from one time exposure/ vaginal sex with ejac
2 Answers
Dr. Ismaël Maatouk,
- According to previous studies (not in Lebanon): the risk is between 0.05 and 0.15 % per sexual contact. But this number should be adjusted according to the denominator in Lebanon, other risk factors..... Read More
How can I induce sleep in a natural way?
Dr. Beatrice Khater,
Family Medicine
- Having regular sleepping pattern (same time to bed and to wake up)Dimming the lights and avoid external stimuli (TV, discussions, internet....)Hot bath
My mother had recently a blood test and results came as follows : LDL-c : 189 ; HDL-c : 104. Does she need a medical treatment or just a simple diet ?
Dr. Beatrice Khater,
Family Medicine
- Many factors will afect that decision:her age and her medical condition.This should be discussed withher family physician but meanwhile some low animal fat diet is highly recommended
Can wisdom tooth cause any throat pain ?
Dr. Naim Daccache,
- A partially erupted wisdom tooth can collect food and other debris, which can lead to gum swelling and an infection called pericoronitis . If untreated, this infection can spread toward the thro... Read More
I got a black longitudinal line on my nail for a week now. I searched it & found it can indicate melanoma or other stuff. Is it really that serious?
Dr. Ismaël Maatouk,
- Is it a brown line? If so, better to be checked as soon as possible
Hi im 47 years old and i just found out that i have right renal cortical cyst about 6.5 cm any medication for this
Dr. Nehme Raad,
- Renal cysts have no medical treatment at all.If needed, a surgical treatment would be necessary.But the vast majority of renal cysts are benign and don't need any treatment at all.... Read More
I have cortical cyst in my right kidney measuring 6.5 cm is this damgerous?
Dr. Nehme Raad,
- This depends on the classification of the cyst.But usually, the vast majority of the renal cysts are benign, and even no control imaging is needed (if for sure it is a class I).Furthermore, at your ag... Read More
Hi drs, what are the side effects of brazilian butt lift without surgery? it is done by skintech, downtown.
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- Brazilian butt lift is a combines a specific technique on body contouring through liposuction and fat transfer in specific area of the butt to lift it and volumize it. It is done with no scars other t... Read More
My hands sweat a lot what should I do?
2 Answers
Dr. Michel Moutran,
Plastic Surgery
- The use of botox has proven its efficiency on treating palmar hyperhidrosis. The drawback is that it only last between 6 and 8 months