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27 years
Why do I feel my head numb sometimes? Especially the left side.
Jun 5, 2013

Dr. Zakia Dimassi Pediatrics
Numbness is one of many forms of paresthesia &usually arises from damage or compression (pressure or entrapment) of a sensory nerve. When it is temporary (asin your case), it's due to any activity that causes prolonged pressure on a nerve or nerves. The nerves that supply the scalp and face originate from inside the skull, so depending on the location of the numbness (the front or the back of the head), you can figure out which nerve is compressed.
Other more serious causes include, especially if the numbness is occurring in MULTIPLE locations: cervical (neck) disk disease, alcoholism, abnormal blood vessels in the brain, diabetes, multiple sclerosis. These diagnoses can only be diagnosed after a full evaluation by a physician.
Dr. Salim Saab Otolaryngology (ENT)
numbness is due tocompression or entrapment of anerve whenit happens sometimes ther js some movementwhich leads to compression