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25 years
What's the maximum daily amount of coffee I can drink without risking my health?
Jul 18, 2013

Dr. Rony Shammas Cardiology
Moderation is always good. Media reports regarding coffee and heart health have been conflicting. Most scientific data, however, show either neutral or beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. A recent study presented at the 2013 European Society of Hypertension meeting concluded that coffee and tea may actually lower blood pressure. Some people may be more sensitive to caffeine and may experience a transient increase in heart rate or an irregular heartbeat described as "skipping" or fluttering.” These are usually benign and tend to subside after cutting down on caffeine.
Dr. Jinan Usta Family Medicine
It is important to keep in mind that caffeine is present is many products: coffee, tea ( even green tea), chocolate, energy drinks. An intake of 250-500 mg of caffeine daily is advisable to avoid side effects ( palpitations, tremors, lack of sleep...)