Dostinex is indicated for the treatment of hyperprolactinemic disorders (where the level of prolactin, the hormone secreted to stimulate lactation or milk formation in the breast upon delivering a baby), either idiopathic (of unknown origin) or due to pituitary adenomas (the pituitary is a pine-shaped gland situated in the brain; it sometimes has benign extra growths called adenomas. These growths tend to secrete hormones that are normally secreted by the main gland itself).
The recommended dosage for initiation of therapy is 0.25 mg twice a week; it may be increased by 0.25 mg twice weekly up to a maximum of 1 mg twice a week according to the prolactin level in the blood. Increasing the dose is done every 4 weeks, not sooner, allowing time for the physician to assess response to each dosage level.
Before starting treatment, a proper hear evaluation should be by physical exam echocardiography should be considered to make sure you don't have any valvular malfunction. If you are on a long term treatment regimen, you should undergo periodic assessment of your heart status.
After achieving a normal serum prolactin level for 6 months, the medication may be stopped, with periodic monitoring of the serum prolactin level to identify if there is a need to resume treatment.
The most common (yet not life threatening) side effects are mainly nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, constipation, dizziness, light-headedness, or tiredness.
Watch out for these rare but serious side effects and contact your treating doctor immediately if they do happen: shortness of breath, persistent cough, swelling ankles/feet, unusual tiredness, mental/mood changes (such as nervousness, compulsive behavior including urge to gamble), vision changes, painful menses, breast pain.
Any serious side effects, including chest pain, lower back/flank pain, change in the amount of urine,require immediate medical attention.
If you have a history of liver disease, high blood pressure (hypertension), or heart valve disease, you need to inform your doctor before initiating treatment with Dostinex.
If you feel you dizzy, do not drive, climb stairs/ladders until you feel able to maintain your balance. Limit alcoholic beverages. A good tip to minimize reduce the risk of dizziness and light-headedness is to rise slowly from a sitting or lying position.
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It is recommended that all individuals see a Family Doctor for a full medical examination annually. Adults should get their blood pressure checked (US Preventive Task Force), a flu vaccine (CDC) and more each year.
The American Dental Association recommends dental cleanings for adults at least twice annually. Some stains can only be removed by a professional cleaning.
It’s recommended by the American Academy of Ophthalmology that every adult between the ages of 18 and 80 does an eye examination at least once every two years.
It's recommended by the American Cancer Association that every adult between the age of 20 and 80 does an annual skin screening by a licensed dermatologist.
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