The pain is slight and is felt when I wake up in the morning (if slept on for a while) or after shoulder workout the second or third day. But no severe pain whats the best solution other than rest
beside rest and stopping at the mean time lifting and working out ,you can anti inflammatory pain killer such as proxen,advil,or other ibuprofen and you can apply anti inflammatory gel to reduce pain
when you are ok and fine you can return to exercising but following these guidelines ,since most of the people and athlets may end up complaining from arthritis tendonitis while exercising and damaging their joints due to the improper exercising :
-Pre-Workout Stretch
-Remember to Warm Up
-Immediately after a good stretch, spend an additional five minutes to warm up your muscles by walking briskly, jogging or lifting light weights. This helps to get the blood flowing throughout the body by increasing your heart rate and breathing rate. Massaging the joints that frequently experience pain when you work out, such as the knees or shoulders, also can be beneficial.
-Avoid Heavy Weight
During your weightlifting routine, avoid weights that are too heavy, especially if you are experiencing joint pain in the past. Weight that is too heavy would include any weightlifting exercise you cannot do more than 10 repetitions. You can build strength and muscle size by using lighter weight and doing 10 to 15 repetitions per set. While bodybuilders often use heavy weight/low reps to build muscle, they are professionals, so the average person should avoid this type of training.
-Cool down
After a workout, it’s important to repeat your pre-workout routine – stretching and jogging – to help your body start the recovery process.
Recovering from a resistance training workout takes one to two days, so get plenty of rest and do not lift the following day, or you risk damaging joints and limiting your muscle gains. By staying well-rested, warming-up properly, lifting lighter weight and cooling down post-workout, you will greatly decrease your risk of joint damage.
it naybe a tendiniti or incomplete cuff rotator start with rest and antiinflammatory ifno improvement do mri
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