My sister is 35 years old and weighs more than 110 kgs. She is having trouble getting pregnant so the doctor advised her to make the (sleeve gastrectomy)stomach reduction surgery. Any precautions??
Sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive weight loss operation. This is normally performed keyhole (laparoscopically) and reduces the stomach in size and volume. The outer part of the stomach is removed to create a long narrow tube; the volume of the stomach is reduced from in the region of 2 litres to about 100 mls. This is an irreversible procedure
This reduction in stomach volume produces a number of effects. The stomach needs less food in it to feel full and satisfied. The initial effect of the surgery is to remove that part of the stomach that produces a hunger hormone (ghrelin); this leads to less hunger in the initial stages. As the stomach feels full this allows better portion control and a reduced number of calories are required in the diet. With fewer calories being eaten this inevitably results in weight loss. However, it is vital to remember that surgery is only the tool, and in order to achieve good long term results this reduction in intake must be accompanied by regular exercise and lifestyle change
However after the surgery ,the patient will have different nutrition plan ,reduced diet plan all over the life because of the reduced stomach size .
It's effect on pregnancy is that it can produce a sudden positive change in your fertility.And if your sister has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), your fertility should also get a boost after surgery
After surgery, body goes through potentially stressful changes and significant nutritional upheaval, which can pose problems for a growing baby.Pregnancy after weight-loss surgery isn't an issue. The only concern is getting pregnant in the period of rapid weight loss for that it is recommended that women not get pregnant until 18 months after surgery, a woman should have reached a stable weight and be able to provide her baby with enough nutrition
After surgery, many women eat as few as 500 calories a day and often have to take extra vitamins to compensate for the ways in which their bodies no longer metabolize nutrients.
Pregnant women who've surgery are more likely to end up with a c-section.
In summary ,being obese patient ,this will make pregnancy less likely to happen ,with many complications ,it is necessary to decrease weight before being pregnant .
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