My 18 year old son suddenly felt a click on his left jaw and after that mouth movement as in chewing or talking or just opening his mouth became agonising. what could have gone wrong?
This presentation is typical of symptoms are typical of TMD (temporo-mandibular joint disease), as this joint is traversed by two major nerves that supply the head, face and neck, as such any disturbance in the TMJ may very well irritate those nerves and produce symptoms besides jaw pain/tenderness/clicking such as ear pain on the same side and headache. The most common factor contributing to TMD is a bite problem affecting the joint itself. The structure of individual teeth, if interfered with, may force displacement of the lower jaw, leading the muscles to re-position the joints out of their sockets to force the upper and lower teeth to fit together. Also, wear and tear on the teeth caused by grinding and clenching, or activities outside of normal function – called parafunction – may cause uneven surfaces on the teeth, leading to interference in the bite and improper jaw closure. Anatomical factors within the joint or surrounding muscles also may affect the bite and cause TMD. Some TMJ disorders may be caused by arthritis and dislocation, while other instances may result from disease. In addition, some people may be genetically predisposed to TMD. Stress and bruxism: stress could lead to tooth grinding (bruxism) that wears down the teeth, as well as to TMD. Poor Posture: frequent slouching or hunching over, you may not only hurting your back, but also pushing your jaw out of alignment, causing symptoms of TMD. Poor posture puts the spine in a position that stresses the lower jaw shifts forward, causing the upper and lower teeth misalignment, and the skull to move back on the spinal column. If not addressed, pain and inflammation in the muscles and jaw joints will develop when the mouth opens and closes. Stress & Clenching. Clenching your teeth while worrying about filing your something could be placing a burden on the TMJ. Super Sizing: Taking bites that are too big could lead to jaw and muscle pain &aggravate already existing TMD. The 1st line of treatment is a splint or mouth guard (gouttière). The TMJ splint is worn to reduce stress on the jaw, allow the muscles to function optimally and/or to cover allowing the lower jaw to be re-positioned into the socket properly.
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