I suffer severe memory loss , i am still 18 years - most of the time i have headaches accompanied by pain in my eyes + exahustion + tiredness.what can i do to prevent this and is this a serious issue
Your forgetfulness is almost certainly normal if you can successfully carry on with your day-to-day life. Everyone forgets where they put things, has “tip of the tongue” moments, or walks into a room and wonders why they are there once in a while.
But if you are having more of these moments than you used to, consider this a wake-up call that you should take stock of your lifestyle.
Are you overworked and stressed out? Are you eating poorly? Are you on a low-fat diet or skipping meals to lose weight? Do you struggle with insomnia? Do you drink too much?
If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, it’s likely you are losing your memory because your lifestyle is catching up with you.
That’s not unusual. Most of us push ourselves never giving our brains a thought … until it stops working as well as we’d like.
Our brains are “neuroplastic” meaning they are constantly changing. Start making healthy lifestyle adjustments and you can quickly halt and reverse the trend towards increasing memory loss.
most common causes include poor diet ,drugs or medicines ,head trauma ,brain infections ,stress ,high blood pressure ,diabetes ,....
Memory loss can come on gradually or suddenly, and be mild or severe. It can be fleeting or permanent, and can involve short-term memory, long-term memory, or both. It can be indicative of something serious but this typically is not the case.
Often, memory loss is merely a side effect of a hectic or unhealthy lifestyle ,lack of sleep, jet lag, stress, low blood sugar, or dehydration can cause temporary memory lapses that diminish when you get your life back in balance.
Memory loss can be brought on suddenly by trauma to the head. This past year, many sports figures have come forward with brain issues believe to be caused by frequent blows to the head.
if you suspect your problem could be serious, we recommend you see your doctor as soon as possible. You want to rule out possible hidden causes such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Discuss your medications with him.
The answer could be something as simple correcting a nutritional deficiency.
Ask to have your blood levels of vitamins B12 and D checked. These are two very common deficiencies that can lead to memory loss and other cognitive problems
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The American Dental Association recommends dental cleanings for adults at least twice annually. Some stains can only be removed by a professional cleaning.
It’s recommended by the American Academy of Ophthalmology that every adult between the ages of 18 and 80 does an eye examination at least once every two years.
It's recommended by the American Cancer Association that every adult between the age of 20 and 80 does an annual skin screening by a licensed dermatologist.
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