Hi my twins were born a boy and a girl non identical back in 2006 on the 32 weaks of pregnancy of weight 1, 9kilos they didnt need covos on birth we feel they inder tall 120 cm do they need hormo Inj
A child's height is determined by genetics and daily nutritional intake, children's growth slows after the first year of life, breaking down into mini growth spurts. By the time your child reaches adolescence, growth rates increase once again with girls hitting a major spurt between the ages of eight and 13. Boys reach this growth spurt between the ages of 10 to 15. In order to ensure that your child reaches a healthy height and weight, you must teach certain lifestyle habits while practicing patience. Every child grows at a different rate, stopping growth after puberty.
Step 1:
Place your child to bed early in the evening., children require from 10 to 12 hours of sleep per night. Your child's body cannot grow properly without adequate rest. Boosting bedtime to even an hour earlier per night will help ensure rest for your child's growth cycle.
Step 2:
Feed your child plenty of high protein foods such as fish and lean meats. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, children who maintained a high protein diet showed a significant increase in height as compared to children restricted to a low protein diet.
Step 3:
Provide daily exercise activities such as bike riding, walking or outdoor sports to keep your child growing at a consistent rate and fight obesity,these activities will encourage your child to keep moving, instead of sitting in front of the television or video games.
Step 4:
Ensure proper intake of calcium, iron and vitamin A in your child's daily nutritional routine., although research results are inconsistent with these nutrients alone, combination with proteins will benefit your child's growth rather than stunt it.
Step 5:
Visit the doctor regularly with your child to have her height and weight checked. Early detection of stunted growth will help your child's doctor determine any underlying medical conditions requiring immediate treatment.
However,the average boy age 7 Year Optimal Height is 122 Cms Range (108 - 135 cm) Optimal Weight 23 kg Range (17 - 35 Kg(
So their height is still in the average compared to boys at their age and nothing to worry .
Concerning the hormons given it is only given in certain circumstances where ther is a problem in hormons ,or if the height is short due to lack or insufficient hormone in the body .So it is not given for everyone wishing to be taller .
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