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Hi Dr. 1st Operation they took normal para 2nd operation they took Adenoma after 1 year PTH High but calcium & phosph. Vit D normal what i can do?5 para means 5 operations? & what is d reason? age 37
May 15, 2013

Dr. Mohamad Siblini Surgery
i am not getting you well. you have done how many surgeries? for what reasons? is it for high calcium or high PTH or presence of a lump on your neck? then why they removed a normal parathyroid gland? what do u mean by 5 para, normally we have only 4 parathyroids? normally we see high calcium with high PTH, but normal cacium and high PTH is also seen in some percentage of patients, so normal calcium does not mean that you do not have hyperparathyroidism. the fact that you have high PTH grants more investigations. consult your physician to prescribe you laboratory and radiological investigations.