Hi doctors , iam 21 years old and I have a problem that iam thin .My weight is 68 and iam 180 cm.. the problem that I eat too much but still can't get fat !! thanks
Hi I understand that this problem is annoying - almost as annoying as being overweight and not being able to shed off the extra kilograms!
Your BMI (which is calculated by dividing your weight in kg by the squared value of your height in m) is 20.98, which is on the low end of the normal range.
Causes of being too thin may be one or more of the following:
1- Hereditary (genetic): if you've been thin most of your life, and you notice that many of your other family members are thin, then it's a familial issue - probably a high metabolic rate.
2- High physical activity: be it sports, a job, or your being simply a physically hyperactive person
3- Certain illnesses cause weight loss or inability to add weight despite the increase in caloric intake. These include thyroid gland problem (over active thyroid), diabetes (you may be concerned about it if you have a positive family history of diabetes), intestinal disease (like being infected with worms that interfere with food absorption, or having inflammation of the intestines)
4- Certain drugs
5- Stress and depression
Now, if all the above does not apply to you, here are some useful practical tips that should help you in increasing your weight in a healthy manner:
-Eat more often: 5-6 smaller meals instead of 2-3 basic meals.
-Foods rich in nutrients: whole-grain breads, pastas and cereals;; lean protein (with no visible fat); nuts & honey (eg fruit cocktail with nuts, yogurt&honey)
-Smoothies and shakes: rather than soda, coffee and other drinks.Make sure you drink 30 min before or after a meal, not with it, otherwise you'll get full.
-Choose snacks rich in cal, like nuts, cheese, dried fruits and avocados.
-Add extras to your dishes, like creamy cheese to pasta or salads
-Treats need to be healthy even if you're underweight, like yogurt, granola bars.
-Exercise, especially strength training, it'll increase your appetite &build up your muscles.
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