Hey doctors , water entered in my ear and i heard a noisy sound.it's getting stronger everytime i put my head down a little plus it's really disturbing Help
water must come out to prevent infection ,wax is preventing the water from coming out do these steps ,if you cant go to the dr or pharmacist
-Make sure that there is water in your ears. This can easily be checked by slightly tapping your temple with your wrist. You will feel very uneasy if water is stagnant in your ear.
-Drain the ear. Wipe your outer ear slowly and gently with a soft towel or cloth, then tilt your head to one side to help the water drain out of your ear canal.To find the right angle, move your head back and forth as you tilt it. It may even help to tug on the earlobe in order to open the canal wider
-Blow-dry the ear,Put a hair dryer on the lowest setting, hold it at least 30 cm away from your head, and blow into the ear
-Make an ear drop solution of 1 part white vinegar and 1 part rubbing alcohol. In addition to promoting drying, this will discourage infection. Drop / carefully pour few drops into the affected ear, then drain out using the suggestions above,The acid in this mixture acts to break down the cerumen (earwax) that may be holding in some water in the ear canal, while the alcohol dries quickly and takes the water with it.
Do not do this if you have a punctured eardrum.
-Create a vacuum in your ear. Face affected ear down and then with your palm push in and out until water begins to come out. Don’t do this with the ear facing upwards or you may drive it farther back into the canal.
this is a helpful videa to help you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bi098FPvpc8
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