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28 years
Hello Doctor I am 28 years old married for 3 years and suffering from infertility when it was discovered the zero number of sperm in the semen I had a FSH and testesterone it was normal (Finfertility
May 23, 2013

Dr. Chady Waked Urology
Hello, if FSH and testostérone si normal, the most probable cause is obstructive azoospermia( zero sperm), if the obstruction is in the prostate or around it and it is accessible by cystoscopy we can open it, if not we can take a very good number of sperm by testicular biopsy and make an in vitro fertilization, so I think you don't have to worry you will be able to have kids, you have to see a urologist for this
Dr. Zeid Abughosh Urology
I do agree with Dr Khalil's comments. A testicular biopsy or a less invasive procedure like sperm aspiration to retrieve sperms might be a quick fix. Nevertheless, you should seek a Urologist for complete examination to stand on the cause behind it. Once the cause is resolved , like for example, obstruction, you can gain your natural fertility.