Acai berries have been claimed to aid in weight loss, act as anti-aging agents, among others. According to scientific research, the antioxidant component in acai berry is said to have the potential to protect cells from damage caused by harmful compounds called "free radicals" that are released into our systems from many reaction with various substances; antioxidants also possibly help fight diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
Regarding weight loss, there is no solid evidence to support the claims that acai berries extract promote weight loss. Despite the fact that acai is rich in antioxidants, this attribute is similarly found in many other fruits, and there is nothing magical about the fruit to induce weight loss, which can only be achieved by cutting down calories, and consuming healthy calories, in addition to adequate exercise.
Pro acai publicity list endless benefits of acai products, including high fiber content, and essential fatty acid, that together make the product able to burn fat more efficiently, digest food and eliminate waste more quickly, suppress cravings, and boost the metabolic rate, in addition to its ability to cleanse the body of fat and accumulated toxic waste that contaminate the system. But there is no proof to support these claims, as nutritional supplements are not tightly regulated like pharmaceutical products, and they are easily market under unfounded claims.
One true aspect about acai is that it is one of the few fruits, besides avocados, that contain monounsaturated fats (MUFAS); MUFAS enhance early satiety as long as they are consumed in the context of a calorie-restricted diet. But do know that the amount of MUFAs in acai is minimal, so in order of benefit from the MUFAs effect, one would need to consume large quantities, which is not only costly, but also highly taxing in terms of calories.
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