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A friend with pancreas & liver cancer early stage heard about cancer therapy in Lebanon by freezing cancer cells. Is it effective? Any advice?
Dr. Joseph Kattan, Oncology & Hematology - Cryotherapy (kill cells by Hypothermia) heattherapy (by hyperthermia) or radiofrequency, are three different techniques acting locally on the tumor. Their indication and efficacy are the same as the s... Read More
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Résultat d'eco et mammographie d'une femme(45ans:kyste échogène associé à une dilatation des canaux galactophores, microkyste associé à un petit fibroadénome.Ça a une relation avec le cancer de sein?
Dr. Nemer Charafeddine, Obstetrics & Gynecology - c'est quoi les dimensions ,normalement vous pouvez trouver  a la fin du rapport de l'examen fait une notification du type : BIRAD ou bien ACR , qui nous donne une idee a propos de la pathologie d... Read More
2 years ago, my CA125 tumor factor was at the upper limit of normal. Drs said it isn't serious but I worry it can cross the limit & get ovarian tumor.
Dr. Christelle Abboud, Obstetrics & Gynecology - Ca 125 can get elevated when an ovarian cancer develops, but for other reasons as well, such as endometriosis or any inflammation in the pelvis. It is only a marker to interpret depending on the clini... Read More
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Is colon cancer of T3 N1 m0 treatable? What is the related statistical percentage of cure? What is the expected treatment? duration? Failure? Pain?
Dr. Mohamad Siblini, Surgery - T3n1m0 is stage 3b , if surgery is done with clean margins, the expected survival at 5 years can reach 70-80% with 12 cycle of chemotherapy. 15 days interval between each cycle. About failure I did no... Read More
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How to recognize the symptoms of Hodgkin's Disease?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Hodgkin's disease, or Hodgkin's Lymphoma, classically presents with a constellation of symptoms that we call "B symptoms"; these include fever, night sweats, weight loss, and sometimes cough. There ma... Read More
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If my mom died from colon cancer and I had tubular adenoma polyp less than 3 mm. been removed with colonoscopy... does it necessary to be gene porter I am 45 years old.
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Tubular adenomas are the most common type of polyp and are the ones that doctors refer to most commonly when speaking of colon or rectal polyps. Approximately 70% of polyps removed are of the tubular ... Read More
Does breast cancer show in Radiology?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - Eventually yes it does.
Can eye cancer be treated ? what are the symptoms It is urgent thank you
Dr. Zakia Dimassi, Pediatrics - There's more than one type of eye cancer, each with a different kind of treatment and varied prognosis. Which type of eye cancer are you concerned about?