My daughter is 6 years old she just woke up with severe headache is this normal i gave her panadol but still in pain..what else can i do?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi,
- It is difficult to evaluate a child with sudden onset severe headache without direct assessment in the clinic. I strongly recommend that you have her seen by her pediatrician.
Mon mari a 29 ans, il a souvent des maux de tête et puis le matin du sang coule de son nez. Quelle en est la cause ? Est-ce grave? que doit-il faire ?
Dr. Zakia Dimassi,
- C'est possible qu'il soit hypertendu, surtout que la pression arterielle est plus elevee le matin (quelques heures avant qu'on se reveille) que le soir. Il faut consulter un medecin general pour mesur... Read More
What are the main causes of a severe headache? I've been having headaches for a month and it is consistent. Most of the time, it is in the morning and before sleeping.
Dr. Salim Saab,
Otolaryngology (Ent)
- This headache could be tension headache or chronic daily headache. A physical examination is needed in addition to a complete work up.
Every morning get up and complain of nothing and after about time starts head pain and dizziness note that the pressure good?
Dr. Jean Esso,
- These are non-specific symptoms. ? You may have sinus headaches. These can make u feel dizzy at times. ? An ear infection can do the same. You may not even feel sick and have a sinus/ear infection. Ju... Read More
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كيف يمكنني ان أنام بطريقة أفضل وأستيقظ دون الشعور بصداع؟
Dr. Khaled Bou Hamad,
Family Medicine
- لكي تنام وتستيقظ دون أية مشاكل يجب أن تنال قسط كاف من النوم في مكان مهوى جيدا وضع رأسك في وضعية جيدة وحاول التنفس من الأنف.