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Hi is lysalpha cicapeel gel effective for acne scars ??
Dr. Ismaël Maatouk, Dermatology - Topical treatments rarely have benefits on acne scars. More invasive treatments are recommended like chemical peeling or laser.
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Are laser treatments (for hair removal, for acne treatment, for rosacea treatment, etc...) safe during pregnancy? I researched it, some doctors say yes, others say no! I'm lost.
Dr. Rola Al Dhaybi, Dermatology - Theoretically speaking when you use a medical laser it should target only the treated skin problem and should not penetrate further. Thus, theoretically speaking lasers should be safe during pregnancy... Read More
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Does laser treatment help fade away post acne red marks?
Dr. Safwan Khraisheh, Dermatology - Some laser such as Fraction CO2 will help you in reducing post acne red scares. You need also to know that post acne red scar usually will fade gradually with time with precaution of direct exposure t... Read More
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