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eTobb.env = 'production';
eTobb.amazon_s3_bucket_gallery_link = 'https://d1ze45s6o4stcv.cloudfront.net/';
eTobb.english_portal = 'https://www.etobb.com/';
eTobb.arabic_portal = 'https://ar.etobb.com/';
eTobb.pusher_api_key = '742324bb25121371bd42';
eTobb.tokbox_api_key = '44919752';
eTobb.lang = 'en';
var MESSAGES = {
"errors": {
"connection": "Please check your connection and try again.",
"not_authorized": "Not authorized. Please login.",
"error_occurred": "An error has occurred. Please refresh the page and try again.",
"missing_fields": "Please fill all required fields.",
"post_question": "There was an error posting your question! Please try again.",
"passwords_not_matching": "Your passwords do not match. Please input the same password.",
"invalid_email": "Please enter a valid email address.",
"agree_terms_conditions": "Please make sure you have read and agreed to our Terms and Privacy Policy before your register.",
"email_already_registered": "The email address you have entered already exists on eTobb. Please use another email.",
"select_specialty": "Please select your specialty.",
"empty_answer": "Please type an answer",
"short_answer": "Your answer must exceed 15 characters.",
"short_question": "Your question must exceed 15 characters.",
"long_premium_question": "Your question cannot exceed 2000 characters.",
"long_question": "Your question cannot exceed 150 characters.",
"post_answer": "There was a problem posting your answer. Please try again.",
"request_login": "You need to be logged in to complete this action.",
"dr_profile_save_section": "There was an error updating your profile. Please refresh the page and try again.",
"hide_question": "There was a problem hiding this question. Please refresh the page and try again.",
"question_contains_bad_words": "Your question contains improper language. Please edit your question before you submit it.",
"question_contains_arabic_letters": "You are currently using eTobb in English. To ask your question in Arabic, please click on 'Done'.",
"short_password": "Your password must be at least 8 characters long!",
"incorrect_old_password": "You old password is invalid. Please try again.",
"wrong_credentials": "Wrong email or password. Click here to reset your password.",
"invalid_question_format": "Please enter a valid question!",
"email_does_not_exist": "This email is not registered on eTobb.",
"login_pending_reg": "Your account has not been activated yet. To activate your account, please click on the link in the email sent to you when you registered.",
"login_doctor_pending_reg": "Your account is being reviewed. Once verified, you will receive a confirmation email to access your eTobb account.",
"user_already_asked_question": "You have already submitted this question to doctors. Click on \"Done\" to view your previously asked questions.",
"list_doctors_require_login": "Please login to view more doctors",
"load_more_questions_require_login": "Please login to view more questions",
"load_more_topics_require_login": "Please login to view more topics",
"register_under_18": "You have to be at least 18 years old to ask a question on eTobb!",
"topic_already_exists": "This topic already exists on eTobb.",
"unspecified_gender_age": "Please specify your gender and age!",
"number_not_int": "Please insert a valid number.",
"not_age_or_gender": "Please set your age and gender before submitting a question.",
"premium_payment_failure": "An error in your payment has occurred",
"premium_cannot_make_free": "Your question exceeds the character limit (150) for free questions.",
"premium_cannot_make_free_images": "You cannot upload images for free questions.",
"remove_topic_wrong_doctor": "This topic has been added by another doctor. If you think that it is not appropriate for this Question & Answer (Q&A) page, please notify us by reporting the question using the flag button.",
"upload_file_invalid": "Invalid filetype. Please try a different file.",
"upload_file_size": "File size exceeds 20M. Please try a smaller file.",
"upload_file_error": "An error occurred while uploading your file. Please refresh the page and try again.",
"upload_file_exists": "You have already uploaded this file.",
"upload_limit_reached": "You cannot upload more than 2 files",
"question_does_not_contain_arabic_letters": "Your question must contain Arabic letters!"
"success": {
"question_posted": "Your question has been sent!
We will notify you by email as soon as a doctor answers you.",
"register": "Thank you for registering on eTobb.
You are now logged in.",
"request_2nd_opinion": "Your request has been sent! We will notify you by email as soon as a doctor answers you.",
"follow": "You will be notified as soon as a doctor answers this question.",
"unfollow": "You will not receive notifications for this question anymore.",
"agree": function(dr_name) { return "You agree with Dr. " + dr_name + "'s answer." },
"unagree": function(dr_name) { return "You no longer agree with Dr. " + dr_name + "'s answer." },
"report": "Thank You! We appreciate your help in making eTobb a better place. Our Admins have been notified and will review this shortly.",
"changes_saved": "Your changes have been saved.",
"reset_password_email": "Instructions on how to reset your password have been sent to your email.",
"register_pending": "Thank you for registering. To activate your account, please click on the activation link sent to your email.
If you do not receive an email within a few minutes, please check your Spam (Junk) folder.",
"register_doctors_pending": "Thank you for your interest in joining eTobb. We will be contacting you by email for further details.
Please keep on checking your Spam (Junk) folder.",
"email_sent": "Thank you for contacting eTobb! One of our representatives will get back to you within 2 business days.",
"topic_created": 'Your new topic has been successfully created',
"basic_booking": "Your appointment request has been submitted. We will contact you after confirming with the doctor's office (usually within 24 business hours).",
"video_call_done": "Thank you for using Call a Doc service by eTobb.",
"fb_register": "Confirm your age and gender",
"profile_edited": "Profile edited successfully",
"landing_doctors_basic_info": "Thank you for registering. To complete your registration, please send us a scanned copy of your medical license, your CV and a high resolution picture to doctors@etobb.com",
"answer_posted": "Your answer has been successfully posted!",
"video_call_email_notification_success": "Thank you for your interest in eTobb live - Call doctors. You will be the first to know when this becomes available.",
var LANG = {
"dr": 'Dr.',
"continue": 'Continue',
"done": 'Done',
"success": 'Success!',
"attention": 'Attention!',
"disclaimer": 'Disclaimer',
"error": 'Oops!',
"missing_age_gender": 'Can you spare a minute to help our doctors provide you with more personalized answers? Click on Continue to edit your age and gender.',
"thank_doctor": 'Thank',
"thank": 'Thank',
"thanked": 'Thanked',
"agree": 'Agree',
"unagree": 'Unagree',
"follow_question": 'Follow',
"unfollow_question": 'Unfollow',
"2nd_opinion_requested": 'Opinion requested',
'request_2nd_opinion': 'Request another opinion',
'topics_specialty': 'Specialty',
'topics_condition': 'Condition',
'topics_symptom': 'Symptom',
'topics_test': 'Test',
'topics_treatment': 'Treatment',
'topics_risk_factor': 'Risk Factor',
'topics_body_part': 'Body Part',
'topics_immunization': 'Immunization',
'topics_medication': 'Medication',
'topics_procedure': 'Procedure',
'topics_topic': 'Topic',
'did_you_know': 'Did you know?',
'report_question': 'question',
'report_answer': 'answer',
'a_moment_ago': 'a moment ago',
'a_week_ago': 'a week ago',
'months_Jan': 'Jan',
'months_Feb': 'Feb',
'months_Mar': 'Mar',
'months_Apr': 'Apr',
'months_May': 'May',
'months_Jun': 'Jun',
'months_Jul': 'Jul',
'months_Aug': 'Aug',
'months_Sep': 'Sep',
'months_Oct': 'Oct',
'months_Nov': 'Nov',
'months_Dec': 'Dec',
'invite': 'Invite',
'NA': 'N/A',
'popup_followup_notice': 'You are submitting a follow up question.',
'answer_must_contain_arabic': 'Your answer must be submitted in Arabic.',
'm0': 'Less than a month',
'm1': '1 month',
'm2': '2 months',
'm3': '3 months',
'm4': '4 months',
'm5': '5 months',
'm6': '6 months',
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'y85': '85 years',
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'y94': '94 years',
'y95': '95 years',
'y96': '96 years',
'y97': '97 years',
'y98': '98 years',
'y99': '99 years and older',
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'unfollow': 'Unfollow',
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'dr_unfollow': 'Unfollow',
'dr_following': 'Following',
'add_topics': 'Add topics',
'upload_file': 'Upload file',
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'follow_up': 'Follow up',
'premium': 'Premium',
'cancel': 'Cancel',
'answer': 'Answer',
'error': 'Error',
'question': 'Question',
'doctor': 'Doctor',
'qna_disclaimer_1': 'Note: Public answers on eTobb are not intended for individual treatment, prescription or diagnosis.',
'qna_disclaimer_2': 'They are intended for informational purposes only.',
'premium_disclaimer': 'By answering this premium question, you are agreeing on eTobb Premium\'s terms.',
'see_more': 'See more',
'terms_of_use': 'Terms of use',
'view_our': 'View our',
'annual_checkup': 'Annual Checkup',
'dental_cleaning': 'Dental Cleaning',
'vision_exam': 'Vision Exam',
'skin_screening': 'Skin Screening',
'all_specialties': 'All Specialties',
'you': 'You',
'someone_else': 'Someone else',
'submit_answer': 'Submit',
'select_image': 'Select Image',
'1_file_attached': '1 file attached',
'2_files_attached': '2 files attached',
'no_files': 'No files attached',
'add_topics': 'Add topics',
'hide': 'Hide',
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'questions_at_the_moment': 'questions at the moment',
'dr': 'Dr.',
'follower': 'Follower',
's': 's',
'book': 'Book',
'thanks_received': 'Thanks',
'see_all_similar_questions': 'See all similar questions',
'answered_by': 'Answered by',
'disclaimer_first_part': '