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22 years
Yes, there is what was called kidney differentiation after chimio 10 years ago. Creatinine level was always above the average but never above 1.2. How long can it be stable on stage 4?
Jul 23, 2014

Dr. Bassem Tanios Nephrology
Well, it depends, on the person, and the cause of the renal problem, and also it depends on how much we make sure to control the things that would cause damage to kidney function, such as controlling blood pressure, diabetes if present, stop smoking, avoid medications and other herbal preparations that may damage the kidneys...

and as a rule, for the general population too, but especially for those with kidney disease, it is very important to check with your nephrologist before taking any medication or even herbal preparation, because sometimes the damage potential of these medications may be under-estimated.

One other thing is that acute renal failure, or when creatinine goes up quickly in a few days, can be reversible if properly managed, this is why it is important to see your doctor in such cases, to give the best chance for renal recovery.

One cannot really predict the time during which the renal function will remain stable, but it is very important to have a close follow-up at this stage with a Nephrologist ( that means a doctor specialized in kidney disease), who is the most qualified to counsel you on the best ways to preserve kidney function, and make you ready , if necessary , for any other steps to take.
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