Research studies have repeatedly looked into the role of the vagus nerve, a nerve with a multitude of various functions, and have reproducibly confirmed that daily habits of mindset and behavior can create a positive feedback loop linked to stimulating this nerve.
A healthy vagal tone is indicated by a slight increase of heart rate during inhalation, and a decrease of heart rate during exhalation. Deep diaphragmatic breathing—with a long, slow exhale—is vital to stimulating the vagus nerve and slowing heart rate and blood pressure, especially in times of stress or anxiety. A higher vagal tone index is linked to physical and psychological well-being.
The vagus nerve is continuously sending information about the condition of the body's organs to the brain. To close the feedback loop, messages also travel from the brain, through the vagus nerve, to the organs, allowing for an inner-calm necessary for resting and digestion during times of safety or to prepare your body for “fight-or-flight” in dangerous situations.
The autonomic nervous system, the branch of the nervous systems that is responsible for involuntary functions (such as respiration, heartbeat, digestion etc.) is made up of two polar opposite systems that exert complementary mirror image functions in order for the body to maintain homeostasis (inner-stability).
The sympathetic nervous system thrives on adrenaline and cortisol and is part of the fight-or-flight response, the mechanism by which the body reacts to and deals with stressful or life-threatening conditions and situations. The parasympathetic nervous system, on the other hand, is the polar opposite. The vagus nerve is command central for the function of your parasympathetic nervous system. It acts by slowing body functions: it lowers heart rate, blood pressure, and helps your heart and organs slow down.
To our body’s dismay, the vagus nerve’s reflexive responses can backfire and become an inconvenience. Anytime the psyche is under stress (important event, feeling intimidated, angry or insecure), the vagus nerve interprets it as an actually dangerous situation which exacerbates these negative responses.
All of the physical symptoms of anxiety—racing heart, sweaty palms, dry mouth, upset stomach, nausea &/or vomiting, tremors—are the result of your vagus nerve disengaging. By taking deep abdominal breaths, though, you can minimize these occurrences.
I agree with the answer above but to put in simpler terms, yes it can happen. When stressed, the body has ways to deal with that stress including vomiting. If this happening frequently or if the symptoms are preventing you for leading a normal life, you need to consult a specialist. It is a very easy condition to treat and you should address it. You will feel much better. Good luck!
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