26 years
What is the "incision" as tummy lifting procedure, how is it performed, does it result in good natural shape and decrease stretch marks from pregnancy? what are the requirements for a good candidate?
Aug 26, 2014
>A full tummy tuck requires a horizontally-oriented incision in the area between the pubic hairline and belly button
-A second incision around the navel may be necessary to remove excess skin in the upper abdomen.
The upper abdominal skin is pulled down like a window shade. The excess skin is trimmed and the remaining skin is sutured together. A new opening for the belly button is created. The belly button is popped through to the surface and sutured into position.
Concerning recovery time you in general with some variations you will be able to stand straight 1-2 weeks, begin driving 2 weeks, begin exercises in 4 weeks, be back to most all activities 2 months, and 12-18 months for numbness to resolve and scars fade.
Those general guidelines do not tell you exactly how you'll recover.
>>In general, you may be a good tummy tuck candidate if:
-You are physically healthy and at a stable weight
-You have realistic expectations
-You are a non-smoker
-You are bothered by the appearance of your abdomen
-Tummy tuck surgery is a highly individualized procedure and you should do it for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image.
-A tummy tuck is not a substitute for weight loss or an appropriate exercise program.
-Although the results of a tummy tuck are technically permanent, the positive outcome can be greatly diminished by significant fluctuations in your weight.
- individuals who are planning substantial weight loss or women who may be considering future pregnancies would be advised to postpone a tummy tuck.
Unfortunaltely a tummy tuck cannot correct stretch marks, although these may be removed or somewhat improved if they are located on the areas of excess skin that will be excised.it means it depends on the position of the stretch marks and the incision and skin taken off .
However ,most tummy tuck patients have either had children or lost a lot of weight, but certainly some ladies who have not had either have abdomens that could benefit from contouring surgery and some undergoes liposuction beside tummy tuck if excess fats are present.